
The Best Netflix Original Action Movies Of All Time

Dunkirk Written, directed, and produced by Christopher Nolan, this war film has achieved tremendous success with audiences and critics, managing to convince despite the unusually short duration. It tells the true story of the evacuation of a group of British soldiers from Dunkirk, besieged by German enemies. The film divides into three main narrative and

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Harry Potter Universe

Harry Potter Universe HARRY POTTER A series of films based on J.K. Rowling’s book series set in a world of wizards that exists parallel to the non-magical world. The universe consists of eight parts of “Harry Potter” movies and a series of five films entitled “Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them“. The screen world began with the

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WONDER WOMAN Superheroine from the DC Comics universe, created by psychologist William Moulton Marston and cartoonist Harry G. Peter. She was intended to be the female counterpart of Superman. In practice, alongside Batman and Superman, she is one of DC’s most distinctive characters and together with them forms the informal Trinity, which is the core of the Justice



Superman– reporter Clark Kent who wears the iconic red and blue costume and cape, fights crime, and protects the Earth as the “Man of Steel”. A leading superhero in the DC Comics and DC Extended Universe, he has appeared in comic books, films, television series, and video games. Superman was created by Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster, he

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Captain America: Brave New World has a new screenwriter, Matthew Orton Joins The Team

A new screenwriter has just joined the film’s crew. Matthew Orton will write new scenes that will be created as part of the shoot. The stars of the film are Anthony Mackie and Harrison Ford. Matthew Orton will write new scenes for ‘Captain America 4’ Matthew Orton has worked with Marvel Studios before. He was

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