The Real Bros of Simi Valley: The Movie
In 2018, Youtube released the first episode of “The Real Bros of Simi Valley.” The show went on for three seasons, following four grown men who dropped out of high school over a decade ago as they tried to take control of their lives. The series was a mockumentary that parodied reality TV shows like “The Jersey Shore” and “The Real Housewives.” Now available on Roku is “The Real Bros of Simi Valley: The Movie,” where the same four guys try to prove themselves at a 10-year school reunion by winning Truck of the Year and they’ll do whatever it takes.
Spoilers ahead
“The Real Bros of Simi Valley: The Movie” (2024) Plot Summary & Movie Synopsis:
“The Real Bros of Simi Valley: The Movie” follows four men in their early thirties who act like teenagers. On the day of their school reunion, they decide to earn their worth by winning Truck of the Year.
What is ‘The Real Bros of Simi Valley: The Movie’ about?
Four friends from Simi Valley, California Xander (Jimmy Tatro), Duncan (Nick Colletti), Wade (Cody Co), Bryce (Getter) were featured on “The Real Bros of Simi Valley.” For three seasons, viewers watched these characters grow up together and start taking accountability for their actions in life. Xan started working at a garage and got married to Molly (Colleen Donovan). Bryce had an accident while skateboarding but also had beef with Xander’s young son for no reason. Meanwhile, Wade and Duncan rebelled against what they thought were bad fathers. Duncan opened his surf shop and got dumped by two girls back-to-back Tessa (Monette Moio) then Dani (Madeline Whitby).
All these ‘bros’ miss high school when they didn’t have any responsibilities, were most popular and most likely to succeed. In the movie, we see them earning for themselves while having their regular man child issues. Xander buys a new truck without asking Molly her opinion and calls his squad and their partners with a fake emergency warning and shows up with his shiny new truck to impress all of his mates but not any of their partners. Molly threatens Xander then they find out about the 10 year school reunion.
Why do they want the best truck?
Xander’s squad wants the best truck because they miss high school more than anything in life right now but can’t go back so they are stuck at this age with these problems. Duncan is dating Tessa & Dani at the same time but neither know about each other. Wade still poses as a stoner even though he rarely smokes anymore. Xander wants to win Truck of the Year like father, grandfather (drives by in beat up old pickup) while driving new truck sees Jatthew (Tyler Posey) who was in their class driving an even bigger truck and flaunting his new rich lifestyle making Xander & co feel inferior etc
Still at home, Molly is mad about Xander buying a truck. Dani brings up the power of manifestation in conversation which annoys Lexy (Monica Sherer), who knows that Dani can afford to say those things because her parents are rich but doesn’t say it to her face. Johnny just sits in the garden listening to them talk. He helps Duncan hide that he’s dating both Dani & Tessa. Meanwhile, the squad goes to visit Jatthew and his partner Agoura’s (Zoey Deutch) huge house. Xander is speechless when he sees how different she looks physically and he starts comparing manliness with Jatthew based on stuff like who can exercise more.
What Does Xander Do To Win “Best Truck”?
Wade & Duncan see Shaun White, a local celebrity, casually hanging out by the pool at Jatthew’s house and get into an argument over why he’s there. Back at home the squad talks about how they’re nothing compared to Jatthew and his though so they wait for their reunion while faking flashy lives on social media. Wade tries out a new routine health regimen thing. Xander starts feeling insecure so he plans on getting a bigger truck than Jatthew’s. Meanwhile, Bryce asks Principal Mrs.Bundy (Retta) (the school teacher from season one episode five who wanted to be vice principal but didn’t get it) for another promotion because he needs it for his ego, but she refuses.
What Does Xander’s Squad Do To Boost Their Egos?
Bryce rants in front of his students about his failed plan in class so they try to lift his spirits to get their recommendation letters for college but Bryce takes this as a betrayal so he changes their grades from A to F. Meanwhile, Dani & Tessa find out that Duncan is dating them both and they break up with him. Agoura meets Molly, Lexy, and Wade to sell them her pyramid scheme but Molly sees it as a “tunnel scheme” and agrees to be a part of it. Xander has losses in his business model of attaching ball-sacks to cars, trucks so he can’t afford to take his truck up to Jatthew’s level. Later on Wade realizes that his college roommate Aldis (Christian A Piece) is now dating his ex-girlfriend.
Bryce still has beef with Xander’s son even though the son is old now (and looks older than them). Duncan tries to patch things up with Dani & Tessa inspired by the throple in Oliver Stone’s “Savages.” Later Dani starts her own podcast with Wade because she “likes the sound of her voice!” They call other people losers for not having unrealistic expectations. Meanwhile, Molly’s real estate company plans a broker’s open house event at Jatthew’s place. Xander uses her as a way of spying on Jatthew’s house while he steals Jatthew’s truck which is how he plans on winning “Truck Of The Year.”
The Real Bros of Simi Valley: The Movie (2024) Movie Ending Explained:
At Jatthew’s open house, Agoura and her friends show off their recent sales to make Molly feel bad about herself. Xander’s crew sneaks into the house to steal the truck. Molly calls him about selling theirs. In the next moment, she sees Xander in front of her and speaks directly. He loves her plan because it will pay for all his truck stuff. But he acts like he only agrees with it because she wants it. A few moments later, Jatthew sees Xander at his house. So Xander cancels the stealing plan. Wade sees Bryce making out with Tessa.
Xander builds his dream truck with his co-worker since his dad won’t help him and they show up at the reunion with his squad. They run into their old classmates and brag about what they’ve done after high school while making fun of theirs so that Xander’s squad feels bad about their life choices or whatever. Mrs. Bundy tries to throw Wade out of the party but Lexy kisses him and pretends to be his date or whatever. Then Wade tells his squad about Bryce & Tessa or whatever. Duncan makes peace with Dani and gets back together with her but secretly is jealous of Bryce for being with Tessa or whatever.
Does Xander’s squad win Truck of the Year?
After all these heartbreaks etc., Xander’s squad has an emotional moment where they’re like we shouldn’t even care about this dumb award but then Jatthew wins it for some reason which shocks them all because everyone knows Jatthew doesn’t have a big truck and then also Jatthew shows up in a big truck which exposes their stealing plan so then their squads are gonna fight but then the cops show up to arrest Jatthew & Agoura for their fraudulent businesses or whatever so then since Jatthew got arrested the Truck of the Year award goes to Xander’s squad or whatever and then at the end of the movie Xander’s squad gets back together because they find out about his son dying but even then Wade doesn’t forget about their beef.
The 2000s were full of movies where man child characters were forced to grow up. This was a popular trope for actors like Will Ferrell, Adam Sandler, Kevin James, Mark Wahlberg and more. Later on, movies like “21 Jump Street” satirized these tropes. Billy Eichner also made fun of their arrested development with his street talk show featuring some fake ‘gym bros.’ Now “The Real Bros of Simi Valley: The Movie” parodies these tropes as well. But it is much more referential and specific which can affect someone’s experience if they have not seen the reality TV shows it is taking from.
However, its silly tropes are pretty easily identifiable because they are also used in other mediums as well. You see men flaunting their absurd riches and treating women like trophies. Women are also portrayed in typical male gaze shows where they mostly act like toys for these men and revel in gossip and jealousy etc. It makes sense within the context of its parody which presents real-life people who try to present themselves as though they have never grown past what was cool when they were teenagers but really just got stuck there or something
The Parody
“The Real Bros of Simi Valley: The Movie” is not smart, and it doesn’t pretend to be. It’s a dumb parody of man-child & trophy-wife/silly-girlfriend tropes that knows it’s being dumb. Some people may find the tropes themselves annoying, for them, the movie will be unbearable. But if you can get on its level, it’s a riot. It wears its idiocy like a badge of honor. By self consciously aping reality TV show melodrama, only cranked up to 11, it ensures that fans of those shows won’t feel disrespected instead, they (and pretty much anyone else who knows what format they’re watching) will spend most of their time with the movie chuckling or laughing out loud at its accuracy.”
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