Suit Hung. Tied Tongue

Suit Hunk. Tied Tongue

This drama is about two Irish brothers, Sean (Leger) and Freddie (Eydt), who decide to kill Paul Keogh (William Morgan), the Minister of Change & Reform whom they see as dishonest. Presented as a mockumentary, the film uses interviews, photographs, news footage and home video footage to explain how these events came about and what followed; resulting in an emotional and suspenseful viewing that probes into an evil act, its impact on people close to those involved or affected by it and the wider implications for Ireland as a nation.

It starts with their upbringing, showing us they grew up without a father figure but were well loved by their mother who died from cancer related to the Cervical Check scandal. Regardless of this difficult background however Sean and Freddie appeared fine individuals played guitar together often attended parties etc. At some point though things changed; somehow they became absolutely convinced about everything being wrong with government then decided upon carrying out such terrible deed.

They bought guns recorded themselves wearing masks announcing what was planned before posting these videos online. The other victim featured alongside him is Detective Garda Christopher Keane while also delving into lives led by two people killed during it. This leads onto act itself where after already having heard about its devastating consequences involving loss of great lives pain caused among relatives affected communities strife brought upon country political wracked political divisions which inspired various sympathizers among militia groups.

The interviewees range from Phyllis (Freda King) former neighbor Dean (Black) friend Emma Hayes girlfriend clinical psychologist Helena McInerney detective Paul Sparkes Fionnuala wife each person provides detailed accounts different parts their involvement opinions are very strong so much that even listening through voiceover whilst looking at childhood photos culprits holding guns appears sinister while them being seen alone could have been heart breaking especially when combined with pictures such as those depicting young boys innocence lost forever shown beside shots featuring both victims together.

Laudable mentions must also be given to Luke De Brun for his creative editing work as well as Mario Rodighiero whose mournful yet threatening score creates an atmosphere of foreboding throughout.

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