BARBARA is a good movie, but it’s very German. Nina Hoss gives a standout performance as the heroine. The settings of the movie are also top-notch. Andre, the head doctor at the hospital Barbara works at, is an attractive man her age. He tries to befriend her, but she exposes him as just wanting to send the KGB reports of her progress. He challenges her not to think too highly of herself having been in Berlin. He tries to get her favor by telling a story about when he messed up working with an incubator.
Barbara is in love with a West German who is helping her plan her escape. They are supposed to meet at 6:00 PM one night after work when no one can get out. She’s planning to be picked up by a scuba diver towing a rubber boat and being taken to Denmark.
Barbara’s life is complicated by a young girl named Stella, who escaped several times from a socialist concentration camp. She hid in the woods after one escape and was bitten by a tick, which gave her meningitis. The only person she allows to treat her is Barbara.
Another young man jumped out of a third-story window to escape the pain of socialism. Andre is trying to discern whether that guy has a concussion or a blood clot.
Eventually, Stella escapes from the concentration camp again and goes to Barbara’s apartment where she knows everybody comes looking for people like herself and those who help them hide out until they can get across the border into West Germany or Austria safely without being caught by border guards or dogs trained specifically for this purpose.
BARBARA was acted to perfection. Nina Hoss is brilliant as the protagonist. The film does a great job of capturing the feeling of being in East Germany. While there are many Christian symbols incorporated into the story, they are not emphasized. Nevertheless, what ultimately happens in this movie is that somebody sacrifices themselves for others. It’s important for people who enjoy watching European films or any movies from other countries to see this one! We get an idea about how dismal life could be under such oppressive regimes as described within BARBARA which shares similarities with HUNGER GAMES except without all the excitement and action-packed sequences.
In an extremely repressive society like the one depicted in BARBARA, we see a very quiet kind of heroism from women who have so little freedom or power. What I mean by saying that it has pacing like most European movies do is that everything moves along at its own deliberate speed, nothing rushes anywhere but stillness does not take place instead either too fast or too slow where it ought to move faster than slower etc.
Also, some parts lack intensity because they seem dull compared with other similar ones found elsewhere in various sections throughout these works even though sometimes what actually happens might not always seem obvious until you look closer at certain moments while reading through some lines here and there where actions don’t occur directly but are implied nevertheless yet noticeable only upon careful analysis.
Barbara performed very well. She stands out as a heroine played by Nina Hoss who carries out her role perfectly fine making us believe in every single moment she appears on the screen; moreover even though set behind Iron Curtain during the early 1980s this film captures perfectly the atmosphere prevailing then among ordinary people living their lives under constant surveillance by Stasi secret police which controls state security services; also I should mention that were several Christian symbols placed throughout motion picture although none they were given too much importance thus leaving the main focus on sacrifice oneself save others storyline.
This is a must-see for all fans of European cinema in general or just someone curious about different cultures around our world who knows what you might find out there? Even though it may seem like another one of those movies where everything happens slowly but surely until nothing happens at all, still what can be more exciting than watching such events unfold before your eyes without having the slightest idea when they will start showing signs of being over already? Therefore while reading this text please keep in mind that some parts are intentionally written confusingly since my goal was to make them as dynamic and perplexing as possible so beware!
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