Kepler’s Dream
“Kepler’s Dream” is a boring family story that has been adapted from Juliet Bell’s admired YA novel. It is set in a few places all over the country and on VOD, so people are able to watch it at home. But even those who are fans of the book will probably think this movie is dull.
Ella (Isabella Blake-Thomas) has to live somewhere else because her mother (Kelly Lynch), who divorced Ella’s dad (Sean Patrick Flanery), needs to spend a very long time in the hospital for her last chance treatment against advanced leukemia. However, he claims that he cannot take care of her because she runs his fishing expedition business and he does not want any part in raising Ella up anyway.
With no other options available, Ella gets sent off with a grandmother she never knew existed until now: one whom her father hardly ever talks to and about whom her mother complains that she “doesn’t like people, let alone children.”
Violet von Stern (Holland Taylor) lives at an opulent ranch in New Mexico where rich people sometimes stay when they do not have anywhere else nice enough nearby where they can go or if they just want some privacy. Though not particularly friendly towards Ella upon arrival, Violet does make efforts not be entirely unfriendly either thus fulfilling all expectations placed on an elderly wealthy woman who was described as such by another character before we met them together ourselves first-hand within this story’s fictional universe.
For instance, yeah” may not be used instead of “yes,” according to Violet; therefore she harrumphs at preadolescent granddaughter for her unawareness about Evelyn Waugh though both share similar interests when it comes down remembering knowledge gained through reading books; yet only one person collects valuable editions beyond reach like these so naturally attracting attention from others which leads us directly into next part itself.
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