

A crime thriller movie, “Jaspal”, which is written and directed by Narinderpal Singh Chandok a well-known French documentary director who hasn’t been on jaspal his first ever motion picture out of more than 40 documentaries made by him on various topics. The film sets in beautiful chandigarh city where every corner has its own crime story. This movie shows the interrelationship between criminals, their bonds and dreams of youth very vividly. It’s not just about two brothers but also about all those friends who take birth together commit crimes together falls in love with same girl-to keep her safe from this dirty world one becomes dirty person himself other wants to go canada… Very simple story..

The main cast includes Anmol Dhaliwal as Jaspal (in love with his girl and want to settle down), Preet Bhullar as Vicky (dreams of going Canada). Both these characters are running illegal activities under cover of being phone sellers. Their dreams get shattered when they are framed for murder which was never done by them.. And the person behind all this is none other than Sanjay played by Inder Bajwa (Chandigarh Police Chief). He has got them under his radar because he knows something about their past life too well.. Now it’s gonna be war between two brothers who wants nothing but clearing off name so that can live rest life chasing after what always wanted most.

There would hardly be any moment without thrill in entire film. Jaspal will have to choose between his own life or brother’s life.. Whether he can afford letting go off dreams? Is there any loophole left for him?

This is one helluva exciting, intense & full surprises kind movies like “Jaspal” – A must watch! From start till end it keeps you hooked up throughout, being punjabi crime story we can expect lot more twists n turns coming our way. Every actor did justice with their role but Inder Bajwa really stands out playing villain here his versatility shown in this film can’t be unseen by anyone who watches it..

If you don’t want miss anything then do watch JASPAL where ever and whenever possible as per your convenience.. It’s really worth every second spent on it… Believe me

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