Alone Yet Not Alone

Alone Yet Not Alone

The film begins with a soothing soundtrack and beautiful scenery. It is set in 1755, when America was seen as a refuge for families seeking freedom to worship in a country of opportunity. Barbara Leininger and her family have just moved to Pennsylvania. They live in a log cabin deep in the woods, and her father often reads from the family Bible. He tells them that God will never leave or forsake them even through tests and trials.

While her mother and younger brother are away on a trip, their home is broken into by Indians who wreak havoc. Barbara and Regina escape into the woods but are soon captured by Indians. Because she is separated from her sister and taken captive herself, Barbara must recall what her father told her about God never leaving her alone.

The Indians mockingly dye her fair skin dark and blacken her blond hair; she tries to flee but eventually decides to go along with them while hoping against hope that one day they will release her so she can find her mother, sister, and brother again. Years pass as she grows into womanhood among them, yet she remains faithful to God even witnessing to an Indian brave who wants to marry her.

This movie is amazing! The music is awesome, the cinematography breathtaking, the acting fantastic, and the screenplay/direction top-notch! Both Kelly Greyson (older Barbara) and Natalie Racoosin (young Barbara) shine in their roles here; they truly bring this story alive on screen! Tracy Leininger Craven’s novel provides the basis for this true-life tale brought vividly before us via film.

Action-packed drama with suspenseful climax what more could you ask for? For action lovers: there are several battle scenes/fights where many characters die by tomahawks or muskets; however little bloodshed shown overall & no gratuitously violent moments thus making it “family-friendly” without losing any intensity necessary for story telling purposes. We applaud such decision-making by those involved with making this movie.

Without spoiling the ending, let’s just say that God never leaving nor forsaking Barbara is clearly seen throughout the whole story line. Key words: loyalty; perseverance; forgiveness; profound love of God.

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