Movies such as Star Wars directed by George Lucas have long imagined a future with plasma rocket technology and years later, scientists began to develop them. Flip phones were dreamed of by Star Trek creator Gene Rodenberry and were introduced decades later as the “Motorola flip” phone. Today MGroup announced the arrival of The 9th Raider, a post-apocalyptic movie franchise that will imagine what would happen if blockchain computing and AI (artificial intelligence), led by companies like in the real world today, transformed the future world. Blockchain is a computerized system that records information in a way that makes it difficult or impossible to change, hack, or cheat.
The 9th Raider is a fictional film set in 2037. Eight apocalyptic events have taken place on Earth and left it a wasteland inhabited by several tribes fighting to survive. What happens when the ninth comes?
The producers are called M Digital Studios who are global leaders advising and building multiple emerging blockchain movie streaming platforms, video gaming platforms, and music streaming projects all tapping into this new more equitable network where fans artists, and stakeholders contribute to commerce and content offerings. Fans and creators alike complain currently about streaming platforms and studios being non-transparent with information having no accountability or transparency for stakeholders in movie projects. Blockchain will not only likely survive but may be critical for human survival as shown in this film storyline. Once humans fully understand it there’s every chance they’ll demand it like they do everything else we’ve created as intelligent beings. With promises to create transparency for all worldwide participants, users of currency reporting real time engagement trends among participants, etc ARK designed blockchain tech is leading this way.
This old paradigm is destroyed by blockchain technology described as cutting-edge Internet 2.0-type technology which has produced new innovations behind everything from Bitcoin to improved real-time banking transactions and movie streaming solutions that allow fans and content creators to see in real-time how their viral “word of mouth” is spreading. Even could reward creators and users financially automatically based on set parameters picked in the blockchain itself movies which also drastically changes actors for the better even their contracts.
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