Gam Gam Ganesha brings together two stories told in parallel. One story follows Ganesh (Anand Deverakonda), a small-time thief, and the other focuses on Kishore Reddy (Raj Arjun), a politician. After his girlfriend leaves him, Ganesh is desperate to get rich and plans a diamond heist worth Rs 7 crore. Meanwhile, Kishore Reddy needs Rs 100 crore brought from Mumbai to secure his election victory. Both characters have something to do with a Ganesh idol, and the narrative revolves around their attempts to get the money.
Directed by Uday Shetty, Gam Gam Ganesh stars Anand Deverakonda, Pragati Srivastava, Raj Arjun, Nayan Sarika, Emmanuel and Chaitanya Krishna. The film aims at being a crime comedy but falls into the trap of being a regular robbery plot with cliched romance and predictable action sequences.
Following his performance in Baby which got him good recognition, Anand Deverakonda is introduced through a power-packed scene that initially raises hopes for the audiences before bringing it down later. But he sets up another character with great comic timing. What’s interesting about the character is that he doesn’t follow the Telugu cinema hero template where they effortlessly beat up goons just so they could impress girls. Emmanuel as Anand’s friend provides genuine entertainment value, while Prince Yawar as Arun Sutharia helps them pull off the diamond robbery offering some funny moments in an otherwise routine and dull story line.
Two performances that drive this film are Kishore Reddy (Raj) and Rudra (Krishna), who excel in their villain roles. There are many character actors who appear in minor roles but Vennela Kishore as Organ David stands out for his comedic impact. Sarika and Pragati play love interests of Anand and manage to catch the eye with their glamour and performances despite having very limited screen space.
The film’s writer Uday also dons the director’s hat here and tries to present a loud crime comedy but fails due to lack of gripping narration and screenplay. The story ties multiple threads together around the theme of greed. Chaitan Bharadwaj’s songs and background score work well for this genre. Aditya Javvadi’s cinematography captures Rayalaseema’s rustic milieu beautifully with detailed frames that highlight essence of the film. Also, the production values are high which makes it look like a polished and visually engaging product.
However, Gam Gam Ganesha doesn’t fully succeed as a comedy or keep enough thrills till the end. The first half only stretches the story but there is some engaging comedy and meaningful twist in the interval. Although initially impressive, these twists end up being underwhelming in terms of what they eventually lead to from an audience perspective.
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