The film “Troll Factory,” which is to be released soon, starts off with a reporter who investigates the corruption of an enterprise giant Manjeon Group but fails in the end.
Im Sang-jin (played by Son Suk-ku), the reporter, begins his investigation after a middle ranking company employee tips him off about technology theft by the group. Although I am succeeds in persuading his boss to make public the accusations, his story takes an unexpected turn when it is assailed on the internet as fabrication, which turns him into an “attention-seeking journalist” overnight and leads to his temporary suspension.
Afterward, Im is approached by a young man who claims he has proof of online manipulation. He says he will reveal that a commenting squad or troll factory undermined Im’s article through opinion distortion. The man then admits that he and two other friends from Team Aleph were involved in unethical activities for personal gain.
At its center is a face off between the reporter’s quest for truth and the mysterious troll factory whose existence has yet to be proven.
Based on former daily reporter Chang Kang myoung’s novel of the same title published in 2015, director and screenwriter Ahn Gooc-jin’s new movie deals with interesting but slippery subject matter opinion manipulation. It poses questions over whether there is such thing as a troll factory or not by suggesting one might just be an urban legend while at the same time provoking thought on this issue.
For director Ahn Gooc-jin, who made dark comedy “Alice In Earnestland” in 2015, what intrigued him about “commenting squads” was that they remained shrouded in mystery.
“While there seems to be (opinion manipulation) phenomenon(s), it is hard to find solid evidence that can prove their existence,” he told reporters earlier this month.
Throughout most of its running time, the movie successfully holds viewers’ attention with fast-paced storytelling that delves into Im’s troubles and various cloak and dagger operations by Team Aleph, such as maximizing the minimum impact of cigarette ads, promoting box-office flops or turning an ordinary girl into an internet sensation.
Through audacious editing accompanied by heart thumping sounds, it effectively mixes virtual with real footage to explore how online opinions have been formed and influenced in this country. The solid chemistry among the cast members also helps keep audiences engaged throughout.
However, as the team grapples with internal conflicts over the righteousness or ethics of its undercover missions, the film seems to lose steam.
About two years are skipped within its narrative before it ends rather abruptly, leaving behind an anticlimactic finish that appears to undercut character development and plot buildup achieved during earlier parts and middle section of the work.
But then again its conclusion seems like a reflection of reality where truth is hard to come by and everyone has to decide for themselves what they want or not to believe in.
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