Moontrap: Target Earth

Moontrap: Target Earth

Oh boy, if you thought the first one was bad, then you’re in for a shock for it’s sequel. They started this Kickstarter in 2011 as a graphic novel made by the script writers of the original film ,Robert Dyke and Tex Ragsdale (The Kickstarter failed because almost nobody contributed to it, probably because almost nobody remembers the first movie) so they started a Facebook page for a movie in 2014 and ended up releasing it in 2017.

You would think that putting that much effort into making a sequel for an obscure movie that at that point was 28 years old, you would have seen some potential for expanding on what the original set up. But considering that the original only had 45 minutes of plot stretched out to a 90 minute feature film, I’d say that there wasn’t much there to begin with.

Moontrap: Target Earth follows Scout, who has discovered the remains of an ancient human civilization. She is soon hired by Daniel Allen who has found a small pyramid shaped object that is connected to both the ancient human civilization and the alien space craft from the last movie.

The plot is all over the place and told so poorly I struggle to even summarize it. Daniel is backed by some shadowy group of people who control humanity but also want to destroy alien technology which could easily help them control humanity more. I guess.

We never find out why what’s left of these aliens are doing here either. The race died somehow but two of them fall in love or something? I’ve never been so confused by such a simple plot. Also this movie is edited and shot so badly things just happen off camera so they can move forward with their “story”.

Everything about this besides story is just as bad too. The special effects aren’t as good as they were almost thirty years ago with less money (the acting is terrible too) but everything else about this movie is so poorly made that it’s not even funny. It’s just a slog to get through. Oh and by the way, this movie has blowjob jokes for some reason. I don’t get it either.

Moontrap: Target Earth is a special kind of bad. The kind of bad that isn’t any fun to watch at all and makes you wonder why it exists and why you even bothered watching it.

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