
Era Oculta

“Hidden Era” Narratives of 78 minutes long in color, tries to be a movie that discovers the city of Maputo through its lively streets filled with reggae music and history making. The main aim is to tell the story about Phambi; a Rastafari artist who cannot stop at anything until he ensures his son gets […]

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Psychological thrillers are often the scariest movies because they tap into something inside us. Disremembered is no exception. This character-driven exploration of the mind delves deep into the past and present of one girl’s traumatic life, and the actions that lead to agony and isolation around her. So let’s take a look at Disremembered and

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Curl Power

Curl Power, a documentary by Josephine Anderson, highlights similarities between teenagers and curling at the start. Both are ignored and undervalued. Adolescents can find it hard to fit into an ever-changing world when they have no set path to follow them through their transition into adulthood. It is even harder when you are an athlete

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Night Fall

For the first 39 years of my life I lived on Long Island and there are some events that stand out clearly in my memory. One of them is the crash of TWA Flight 800, which went down off the south shore of Suffolk County in 1996. One detail about it, in particular, that I

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Dan The Man

Joe is the man and it is an innovative YouTube web television series that currently has 17 episodes or “stages,” with 11 episodes animated by Studio Joho and six by Octopie. Joe Brumm created the Dan The Man series, while Dan Brumm was responsible for the music and sound effects. From 2010 to 2013, the

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House of Stones

To say the least, this Zimbabwean debut is an extremely difficult book to talk about. It’s much more than clever or ambitious though it is both of those things, too. It is certainly not perfect, but it’s also big and strange enough that its faults just seem like so many tiny blips against the reader’s

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