List of All Terminator movies

List of All Terminator movies

Here is a list of all Terminator movies with ratings, release dates, and plot

  • The Terminator

Release date: 20 December 1984

Plot: A human soldier must protect a young woman and her unborn son from a cyborg. The human soldier travels from 2029 to 1984 and must battle the cyborg that also exists in his own timeline and has travel back to 1984.

Ratings: It has a rating of 8 on IMDb, 100 percent Tomatometer on Rotten Tomatoes, and 84 percent on Metacritic

  • Terminator 2: Judgment Day

Release date: 24 August 1991

Plot: A cyborg must protect a teenage boy. The teenage boy is the son of the woman who was in danger in the first part and now another dangerous cyborg is hunting the son.

Ratings: It has a score of 8.5 on IMDb, 93 percent Tomatometer on Rotten Tomatoes, and 75 percent on Metacritic

  • Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines

Release date: 25 July 2003

Plot: A machine must protect a man and a woman from a powerful robotic assassin.

Ratings: 6.3 on IMDb, 69 percent Tomatometer on Rotten Tomatoes, and 3/5 on Common Sense Media

  • Terminator Salvation

Release date: 26 June 2009

Plot: John Connor meets a half-human and half-machine. The new being is a new war weapon. Can John Connor trust him? or is he an enemy?

Ratings: 6.5 on IMDb, 33 percent Tomatometer on Rotten Tomatoes, and 2/5 on Common Sense Media

  • Terminator Genisys

Release date: 25 June 2015

Plot: John Connor is now a leader of the Human Resistance. He sends Sgt. Kyle Reese to 1984 so that he can protect the woman and his son, but things get out of hands and it creates a different and fractured timeline

Ratings: 6.3 on IMDb, 27 percent Tomatometer on Rotten Tomatoes, and 2/5 on Common Sense Media

Also Read: Top 3 Movies of Vin Diesel

You can watch all these classic terminator movies for free on Putlocker

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